ICON Artworks Introduces POWERCAT Sculpture for K-State (with Dedication to Jordan Brunk)

This amazing piece was created by ICON Artwork's Featured Artist Robin Richerson and is handcrafted in Cast Pewter and Bronze!
We also take great pride in dedicating this sculpture to a truly remarkable young man (and member of our family) named Jordan D. Brunk...may he rest In peace! My cousin Jordan tragically passed away on July 29, 2020 at the tender age of 24 due to a reoccurring GBM brain tumor. Jordan was preceded in death by my father Al Palmer, who had lovingly supported Jordan during his radiation treatments.
Jordan was a student at Kansas State University and was studying construction management and science. He was also an AKKA Black Belt...and had achieved the rank of Eagle Scout!

Jordan and his father Jeff would often work alongside my uncle Robin and I at our family-owned and operated art studio in Kansas City. In fact, it was Jordan who initially inspired us to create the iconic Powercat sculpture! Before his passing, Jordan was being mentored by Robin in the art of sculpture and had been actively working with Robin on another sculpture for K-State depicting Willie the Wildcat...which we hope to introduce in the future.
Click here to ORDER NOW: iconartworks.com !! #KSU, #Wildcats, #KStateFB, #EMAW
Jordan Daniel Brunk
SEPTEMBER 16, 1995 – JULY 29, 2020
(pictured left to right: My uncle Jeff Brunk and his son Jordan)
(pictured left to right: My father Al Palmer and uncle Robin Richerson)